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FORGE Bathroom Project for Period Poverty

Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
4 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 01, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Free Menstrual Products on Campus!!

We are FORGE; a Feminist Organization Rallying for Gender Equity. Our organization is affiliated with the Center for Women and Gender Equity, the Center for Violence Prevention and Education, AAUW, It's On Us, The Cocoon, The Graduate Women's Caucus, and the Wellness Connection. Our mission is to organize a group of students dedicated to gender equity in order to create positive change and growth in out community and provide support for BGSU students, staff, and faculty and Bowling Green community members. FORGE works to seek out and create opportunities for advocacy and activism related to reproductive rights, domestic/relationship violence, healthy relationships, gender equity, and other areas similar. We envision an empowered community of leaders who share the common goal of community and personal development. FORGE envisions a community where individuals are safe and accepted no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin. 

In our organization and many others, it has been a long standing plan of ours and other organizations on campus such as the wellness connection and undergraduate student government to have free menstrual products in academic building public bathrooms. Menstrual products are necessities for half or more of the students and faculty on campus and it is about time that our had dispensers with free products in academic buildings. Help us raise money to help us make this huge step forward in gender equity to make our community more inclusive. These funds will go toward either dispensers upon administrative approval or to stock our organization's personal supply so we can go to every building and refill our boxes on a weekly basis. 

Choose a giving level


Falcon Supporter

Your donation can go toward dispensers or can purchase roughly one and a half boxes of menstrual products.


Falcon Fan

Your donation can go toward dispensers in public bathrooms or can buy roughly five and a half boxes of menstrual products to go in campus bathrooms


Falcon Enthusiast

Your donation at this level could buy roughly 1/3 to 1/4 of a menstrual product dispenser for a public campus bathroom!


Falcon Devotee

Your donation at this level could fund up to 1/2 of a menstrual product dispenser for a public campus bathroom!